Feel Good Friday – Positive Affirmations
May 14, 2021 1:04 pmI think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
The now infamous line from the book The Little Engine That Could. A story from almost a hundred years ago still used to teach kids the value of optimism and hard work.
What you tell yourself and what you believe about yourself – matters. A lot. And it can change your life for the better. Did you know that speaking positive words or affirmations over your life have been provide methods of self-improvement? Just like exercise does, affirmations raise the level of those feel-good hormones and push our brain to think positively. Now that is cool. Speaking positive affirmations breaks those patterns of negative thoughts and feelings and actions.
On this Feel Good Friday with the CMHA Lambton Kent – we are talking about POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS!
Your assignment – should you chose to accept it – is this —
“try sitting down and writing a bunch of positive affirmations and put them in a jar for when you need that extra support.
These can be simple reminders, like “You are loved!” or coping strategies, like “Try taking a walk” that can help you regain your focus for when you might be having an off-day.
Self-affirmations have been shown to help cope with stress, can help us become more resilient, and can increase the amount of feel-good hormones in our brain. Try creating a positive affirmation jar today and start each day by reading one to yourself. “
SHARE with us! Let us see your jar. Share some of your positive affirmations with us. Sometimes sharing what works for us, can help others who are struggling as well. I’ll go first.
- You are beautiful.
- You are worthy.
- You strong.
- You control your thoughts.
- You will get through this.
Share your positive affirmations by sending me an email – cbuchanan@blackburnradio.com
If you are struggling with your mental health and need assistance, it is never too early to reach out for help. CMHA Lambton Kent’s Mental Health First Response Team is available 24/7.
◾️ Chatham Kent: 1-866-299-7447 ◾️ Sarnia Lambton: 1-800-307-4319”
Tags: CMHA, CMHA - lambton kent, coping strategies, Feel Good Friday, mental health, mental health awareness, mental health matters, positive affirmations
Categorised in: Afternoons Fridays
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan