Feel Good Friday – The Season Of Giving
December 10, 2021 11:55 amIt’s another Feel Good Friday! Every week the Fox teams up with the Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton Kent to share things you can do to take care of yourself, focus on your mental health and help you feel GOOD!
This week it’s all about the spirit of the holidays – giving.
It is the season of giving. We know that giving helps others, but did you know that the warm and fuzzy feeling you get from helping others is actually good for YOU?
Studies show that giving can boost your physical and mental health. Researchers say that people who give their time to help others have greater self-esteem and can experience less depression and lower stress levels than those who don’t. There is evidence to show that humans secrete the “feel good” chemicals in our brains when we are helping and giving to others! That’s pretty amazing.
And seriously – look at the classic holiday movie The Christmas Carol. Look at Scrooge. Look at how much he changed when he started putting others first and GIVING instead of keeping everything to himself.
So go ahead and reach out to someone in need and identify opportunities to give back in your community – your mental health will thank you and so will the people you help!
You can give to a local food bank. A toy drive. You can give your TIIME to a charity – Salvation Army red kettles always need volunteers. The Inn needs people to prepare and serve meals. You can bake cookies for a neighbour. Write a Christmas card to someone who might be feeling lonely.
Giving doesn’t always mean a lot of money.
Give a smile. Give a compliment.
And please consider a donation to the CMHA Lambton Kent this holiday season. Every year more than 7,000 people reach out to CMHA Lambton Kent for mental health and addictions support. This past year has been more difficult than ever for people who are struggling as a result of the pandemic. Your donations make a significant difference in the lives of the people we provide care for. DONATE TODAY.
For more of the Feel Good Friday VIBE – join the Fox FEEL GOOD FACEBOOK community online. It’s a PRIVATE space online to connect with others, share life, and work on being our best selves in a positive environment.
Tags: Canadian Mental Health Association, CMHA, CMHA - lambton kent, Feel Good Friday, giving, mental health, mental health awareness, season of giving
Categorised in: Afternoons Fridays
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan