Feel Good Friday – Validate Yourself
March 31, 2023 2:01 pmIt’s another Feel Good Friday! Every week the Fox teams up with the Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton Kent to share things you can do to take care of yourself, focus on your mental health and help you feel good.
Today it’s about writing. To yourself.
“Creating a self-validation journal that you can write in when being self-critical can help us accept our feelings as they are. By not judging our emotions as “good” or “bad,” it helps us process them easier.
When writing, think about: what would I say to a friend in my situation?, and write or say it to yourself! Usually, these words will be kinder than the ones we would say to ourselves”
I have never done this. Have you? I found THIS online and thought I would share a few journal prompts to help you get started.
Self-Esteem Journaling Prompts
1. When do you feel good about yourself?
2. How would your close friends describe you?
3. What went well today?
4. What was challenging for you today?
5. What are the most positive aspects of your life?
6. What do you really love about yourself?
7. What do you do well?
8. What do you want to feel tomorrow?
9. What’s holding you back from pursuing your dreams?
10. What is one thing you would do if you knew you couldn’t fail?
11. What’s one activity that always cheers you up?
12. What’s going really well for you in this season of your life?
13. What compliment do you often get that you have a difficult time accepting?
14. When have you showed courage recently?
15. What is your best physical quality?
16. What do you love most about your best friend?
17. What have you learned from past mistakes?
18. What do you consider your safe space? What about it feels so comforting to you?
19. How would you rate your overall mental health?
20. What are some negative things in your life that you can clear out?
21. What is your favorite thing to do?
CMHA Lambton Kent is here to help and our Mental Health First Response Team is available 24/7. Please reach out for help if you need it:
Chatham-Kent – 1-866-299-7447 Sarnia Lambton – 1-800-307-4319
Tags: CMHA, Feel Good Friday, journal, mental health, self-affirmation, TGIFCategorised in: Afternoons Fridays
This post was written by Carrie Buchanan