We Paid Our Dues, They Need To Pay Theirs
January 28, 2019 1:17 pmEXAM week can be the most stressful time in the school year for a student, whether it’s high school, college, university or beyond. So moms and dads, if you want to help them ace their exams, remind them of these tips…
- Create your own study guide. While many teachers provide a study guide, creating your own can help you understand the material better.
- Ask Questions. Your teachers are there to help! Ask them questions regarding the material and the exam so that you’re prepared for the exam.
- Go to the Review Session. Review sessions can give up important info on the exam format, what’s going to be on the exam and more.
- Start Early. If you always start ahead of schedule, you’ll never be cramming the night before an exam. And it’s almost always a better outcome!
- Organize a group study session. Studying with peers can really help…
- Study things not on the Study Guide.
- Take Breaks. You can’t memorize or understand all the material at once. Balance & break times to recharge and relax.
- Stay well-rested. Get a good nights sleep.
- Create a study schedule – and follow it. Then you can keep track of what you’ve accomplished instead of getting overwhelmed.
- Prioritize your study time. Evaluate all of your exams to figure out which ones bear more weight!
- Study for the style of exam. If it’s multiple choice, you’ll need to know definitions and concepts. Essay exams, you need to know everything and be able to give examples.
- Quiz yourself.
- Meet with your teacher. You might get helpful hints for what to study and ways to prepare for the exam.
- Reorganize your notes.
- Pace yourself.
- Teach classmates. Learning by teaching really works! If you have a study buddy and explain concepts to one another, you’re actually re-learning the material all over again.
- Make it fun. It’s easier to focus if you adapt to studying by quizzing yourself, creating acronyms or rewarding yourself for a job well done. Create a game plan – literally – that allows you to accomplish tasks and be rewarded for each. Reward yourself with a candy, piece of chocolate or a warm tea, after you’ve accomplished a new chapter or allow yourself some free time for every chapter you get through…
Adapted From: https://www.fastweb.com/student-life/articles/the-20-study-tips-for-finals
MY TIP…grab some chocolate, chocolate granola, “chocolate whatever” before you write that exam!
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Tags: EXAM week, Study TipsCategorised in: Middays
This post was written by Blackburn Radio