12 Of The Hottest Food Trend Predictions For 2020
February 5, 2020 11:13 amWhere there’s people, there’s food and where there’s food, there’s bound to be a favorite; a trendy food that sweeps the country, the nation; maybe even has global impact? Do you have a mirrorball as to what the next big things is going to be?
The link below is the “12 Hottest Food Trends We’ll Be Devouring in 2020” from the Food Network. They say one big trend will see more Canadians than ever broadening our menus so we’re fully using up leftovers & food scraps.
I call it everything but the apple core…..
Click FOOD
for the “12 Hottest Food Trends We’ll Be Devouring in 2020”
Categorised in: Middays
This post was written by Eve Morgan