September 4, 2020 1:17 pmWe team up with the Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton Kent each Friday for FEEL GOOD FRIDAY!
Today it’s all about the Imporatnce Making Plans!
Make plans with family or friends, or by yourself!
It’s important to make plans, it can help you stay in a positive mindset and keep you from being overwhelmed by stress. Scheduling future events is an acknowledgement that there will be a future and that when it arrives, you’ll be able to do the things you want to do.
This includes scheduling an appointment for self-care including a hair appointment or a manicure. Make plans to meet up with a friend for coffee or for a walk, or make plans with a family member to visit. Having a list of things you’re committed to doing, even if you don’t know when you’ll do them, is in itself soothing.
I have fun plans this weekend, visiting with some friends (outdoors!!), visiting family and sailing!! What about you??
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Sarah Woodley