Hello, This Is Lambton Public Health Calling, Yes I Got A Call…
October 29, 2020 9:50 amI got a call from Lambton Public Health, to let me know I had been in contact with someone who tested positve for COVID-19.
It was a bit ago, it took me a while to feel comfortable sharing..it was a very stressful time.
After the call on a Saturday morning, I booked a test for myself and the whole family at the Twin Bridges- Nurse Practioner Led Clinic http://tbnplc.com/
We got in that day, did our tests (makes your eyes water!) We were in and out quickly, the staff there is great. Then we went home to wait…and let me tell you the waiting was terrible.
I kept going over in my head the people I’d seen, places I had been. What if I gave it to one of them??
The Health Unit checked in with me daily (I did get my Negative test 48 hours after I had it!) We kept the kids home from school and we work from home.
The way I felt as I was waiting…guilt, embarrassment, fear. It was tough. Did I do enough, did I take off my mask when I shouldn’t have?
I have now talked to other people who have gone through the same experience and here is my takeaway:
Don’t let your guard down, with the numbers falling again in Sarnia Lambton it is easy to not be as diligent…please do. I know that people (teenagers especially) are wanting to gather for Halloween this weekend, it’s not worth it!!
If you have any sort of sympton, self isolate and get a test. I just learned of a friend who got together with a friend who thought her allergies were acting up, nope it was Covid. That includes the kids too, I know I have been guilty in the past of going to work, or sending the kids off to school with a sniffle or sore throat.
Keep that mask on, especially in enclosed spaces…I had been in a vehicle with someone before I was informed and we didn’t have masks on.
Overall the whole experience reminded me to be thoughtful about where I go and who I see…and to remember to be careful.
Be safe everyone!!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Sarah Woodley