October 15, 2020 8:49 amDid you do a Turkey for Thanksgiving??
Me too! For just the four of us, which means lots of leftovers….so I invented a Casserole to serve them up~
I started with Mashed Potatoes on the bottom, then I put the leftover corn and added frozen greenbeans, then a layer of grated cheese, followed by Turkey and some gravy. Then stuffing and a generous topping of cheese. Bake covered at 350 degrees for 50 minutes, then remove lid for 10 more minutes and serve with Gravy.
It was a hit!! I just wish I took a picture!! (picture featured is a stock photo:)
**NOTE I did not add the leftover Turnip, as I am the only one who likes it!!
I also made Turkey Broth in the Instant Pot, so we have Turkey Soup in our future!!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Sarah Woodley