The Sarnia Police Service would like everyone to be safe and have fun this Halloween. Please be respectful and responsible whether you’re out trick-or-treating, staying home or driving around the city. The following tips are annual reminders for Halloween safety.
1. Slow down!!! All drivers need to significantly reduce their speed on Halloween. Please remember, there will be numerous kids running across neighbourhood streets focused on one thing…candy! Expect an increase of pedestrian traffic on city streets, and because of the excitement of Halloween, they may not be paying attention to vehicle traffic.
2. Children should walk, not run from house to house. Avoid “Zig-Zagging” by staying on the sidewalk or at the side of the road facing traffic, cross the road at the corner and always look both ways before crossing the road.
3. When approaching the door, avoid tripping hazards by not running across front yards or over any landscaped areas. Use paved pathways whenever possible.
4. Make your home safe for trick-or-treaters. Remove all objects around your house that could cause children to trip or fall. Turn your outside light on so children will know they can visit your home. Do not feel obligated to answer your door if you do not feel safe.
5. Children should stay in known, well-lit areas and should only visit homes that have their outside lights on. Children should never go inside homes or cars. Do not go anywhere with a stranger.
6. Choose brightly coloured clothing that will be clearly visible to motorists. For greater visibility, carry a flashlight and add retro-reflective tape to the costume.
7. Halloween can be a chilly night so make sure costumes are loose enough to be worn over warm clothing. Make sure clothing is not so baggy or long that trick or treaters can trip over their costumes.
8. Make-up and face paint are better than wearing a mask which can restrict breathing and/or vision. If you choose a mask, make sure it allows the child to see and breathe easily.
9. Look for costumes, beards and wigs labeled “flame resistant” nylon or heavy weight polyester costumes are best. Flame resistant does not mean “fire proof”. Avoid costumes with baggy sleeves or flowing skirts to minimize the risk of contact with candles and other fire sources.
10. Keep candles, jack-o-lanterns, matches and lighters in a safe place that children cannot reach.
11 Swords, knives, and similar accessories should be made of soft, flexible material.
12. Tell your children not to eat any goodies until you see them. Make sure your child eats dinner or has a snack before they go out so they’ll be less tempted to eat their candy along the way.
13. Examine treats before you eat them! Goodies are the best part of Halloween, but before your children begin to eat their loot, make sure you examine it first. Throw out any treats that are not wrapped including those in torn or loose packages. Inspect commercially wrapped treats for signs of tampering, such as an unusual appearance or discolouration, tiny pinholes, or tears in wrappers. Throw away anything that looks suspicious. If you find something that has been tampered with, please contact police.
Note: The Sarnia Police Service has a limited number of retro-reflective wristbands available at our front foyer for anyone wishing to add a piece of reflective material to their costume. These snap bracelets are free of charge and have been generously donated by several local businesses working in partnership with The Community Safety Net (CSN).
The Community Safety Net is a family-run, values-oriented organization that produces a series of educational safety resources created especially for kids. To date, millions of children in communities across North America have benefited from CSN materials
Constable Nelson Amaral
Community Services Branch
Tel: 519-344-8861 Ext 6137
Email: namaral@police.sarnia.on.ca
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Sarah Woodley