A Song To Thank Veterans…
November 11, 2021 8:06 amTaking time today to reflect and appreciate the freedoms we sometimes take for granted. I’m feeling extremely grateful for all those who fought so that we can have the liberties we do.
It warmed my heart to listen to this song written by a Toronto teenager…who wrote it as a tribute to those who have served and to remind young people why taking part in Remembrance Day is important.
“My name is Shajahi .
I am a grade 9 student at St. John Paul II Catholic Secondary School. I have written and recorded a song about our veterans to honour and remember the women and men who served in the war and continue to do so for Canada keeping our freedom and well-being. I found that some youth now a days do not recognize their sacrifices and appreciate them enough. I am singing on behalf of many youth my age and younger in my song. I would also like to say thank you for everything our soldiers have done for us. They are the backbone to our nation.
Thank you for listening to my song.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Sarah Woodley