August 25, 2023 4:56 amFRIDAY TRIVIA Q: “Two thirds of us had this as a child and many of us still have the same one as adults. What is it?”
Selected Guesses:
Richard: “A Teddy Bear. Mr. Bean has his. I have mine.”
Inga: “A favourite toy.”
Unknown: “Piggy Bank”
June: “Birthstone ring” & “Fave storybook”
Unknown: “Marbles”
Unknown: “Birth certificate”
Unknown: “Water Gun”
Kaitlynn: “Furby” & “Globe”
Mark: “Piss Poor Attitude”
Unknown: “stuffed animal”
Please text your guess to the A1 Security Textline (519) 464-1999. Listen each weekday morning at 6:50am for our Trivia Question, the answer just before 9am on 99.9 The FOX!
Categorised in: Mornings, Trivia
This post was written by George Hayes