September 22, 2023 5:02 amFRIDAY TRIVIA Q: “Las Vegas has over 151,000 of these. What are they?”
Please text your guess to the A1 Security Textline (519) 464-1999. We will announce and post the answer just before 9am.
Prize: A pair of JEFF LEESON TICKETS for Saturday (tomorrow) at the Imperial Theatre.
ANONYMOUS: “Elvis impersonators” & “Wedding chappels”
ROSEMARY: “Hotel Rooms”
CHRISTINE: “slot machines”
MARK: “Cocktail servers”
DARLENE: “Jacuzzi bath tubs”
BERNADETTE: “Poker chips!!!” & “Heart-shaped beds”
ANONYMOUS: “Wedding chappels”
SYDNEY: “a lot of shows”
SANDRA: “Vibrating beds”
Categorised in: Mornings, Trivia
This post was written by George Hayes