September 13, 2023 5:53 amWRONG ANSWER WEDNESDAY Q: “The average one of these is 244 pounds. What is it?”
Please text your guess to the A1 Security Textline (519) 464-1999. We will announce and post the answer just before 9am.
ANSWER: The average NFL PLAYER is 244 pounds. (Ravena is our winner)
TODAY’S PRIZE: $25 Peavey Mart gift card.
Anonymous: “Bears”
Lori: “Ex- husbands ?”
Brian: “Family Pet”
Cristina: “Overgrown zucchini from my garden”
Mark: “My weekly empty returns”
Darlene: “My Cat MissMinnie”
Ravena: “Wet load of Laundry”
Anonymous: “Car”
Christine: “men”
Alice: “Pumpkin”
Categorised in: Mornings, Trivia
This post was written by George Hayes