October 13, 2023 6:43 amFRIDAY TRIVIA Q: “Half of drivers admit we have no idea how to do this . What is it?”
PRIZE: A pair of STING vs LONDON tickets for Saturday night to a random answererererer.
Trivia now on the old FOX MORNING SHOW Facebook page. Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/6407976929 Ask to follow the group.
Please text your guess to the A1 Security Textline (519) 464-1999. We will announce and post the answer just before 9am.
CHRISTINE: “parallel park”
CRISTINA: “Parallel parking”
ROSEMARY: “Now to turn wheels when parking on a hill”
THERESA: “Parallels park”
NICOLE: “Parallel park”
ANONYMOUS “Parallel park”
DENNIS: “Change a tire”
PAULINE: “How to properly navigate an intersection when traffic lights are out. ”
ANONYMOUS: parallel park
FREDA: “Parallel park”
ANGELA: “Use a round about”
KEELEY: “Use the cruise control”
CINDY: “Parallel park??”
CINDY: “Change a flat tire.”
PAT: “Parallel Parking”
ANSWER: Half of us don’t know HOW TO REPLACE OUR WIPERS. We think 50% is a bit low.
Categorised in: Mornings, Trivia
This post was written by George Hayes