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June 6, 2019 2:07 pmThis week, when the sirens sounded, many people asked the question “what is going on?” According to the CAER website,
This week, when the sirens sounded, many people asked the question “what is going on?” According to the CAER website,
As the NBA finals continue, and Canadian gets world wide attention for the Raptors – Jimmy Kimmel paid a visit
Lambton Kent Elementary School Athletic Association held their annual Track & Field event today at the old St. Pat’s track.
This is your chance to get moving and help St. Clair Township. To kick start their fundraising efforts towards Phase
It’s a long 40 weeks to wait when you hear of a new baby coming in to the family…
How was your long weekend? If you were stuck working – my condolences, but know that you are appreciated. I
They saw a record number of streams after releasing their new song together and now they are working on a
It’s AMAZING how much Renee Zellweger looks like Judy Garland. The first trailer has been released for “Judy”, the upcoming