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Laura Lang

February 6, 2023 11:00 am Published by

Laura, We have been besties since we first met. I have never had a bestie I have been so close

Kelly Barber

February 6, 2023 10:56 am Published by

Kelly is the worlds sweetest human being. She came into my life as an adult…at a time that I wasn’t

Erin Doyle

February 6, 2023 10:41 am Published by

Thank you for being that person that handles my mood swings perfectly….THANK YOU! Thank you for dealing with my immaturity

Aaylea Giresi

February 6, 2023 10:37 am Published by

To my Daughter Aaylea Since the moment I held you in my arms how would I ever know how you

Nicole Gooding

February 6, 2023 10:36 am Published by

Dear Nicole, Over the past 35 years, we have talked for hours, laughing, smiling, and sharing everything, always. But still,

Sarah Gibb

February 6, 2023 10:29 am Published by

To the most amazing sister, mom, auntie and friend. You have made such an impact on my life, growing up

Tanya Winter

February 6, 2023 10:26 am Published by

Dear Tanya, The first time I met you, I didn’t know if we could be friends. Twenty-eight years later, I

Melissa McLachlin

February 6, 2023 10:09 am Published by

Words will never be able to express what you mean to me. I’d certainly be lost with out you. Love

Randi Palmer

February 6, 2023 10:00 am Published by

It’s hard to pick just one picture as we do so much together. We travel and attend sporting events, weddings,