February 10, 2023 5:16 pmGirl this is displayed online so I have to keep it friendly… ohh the things I could say…
I’m not good at love letters.. but for it’s for you
You’re the light when it’s dark,
The rainbow in the storm,
My shoulder to cry on,
Your my rock and
I don’t tell you enough
How much you charge my life
You know how to keep me smiling even in
My darkest times..
you brighten up my world, way More than you know.
Thank you
For loving me for me
For always cheering loud and proud
For accepting me for me
For standing by my side
For always being there no matter what
I wouldn’t get matching tattoos with just anyone
And they definitely wouldn’t be an outline of us
I’m so grateful to have a crazy friend like you
Someone just as nutty as myself
Someone that will forever share and create the memories we have and will continue to make
Life wouldn’t be half as amazing if I didn’t have you❤️
Most of all thank you for being you.. you beautiful crazy soul
Love you always
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This post was written by Blackburn Media