Helena Nickles
February 12, 2023 3:10 pmDear Helena, It’s an unspoken truth that doesn.t need to be said but I can’t think of anyone other than you as my “bestie”, my confidante, my friend for life! We met 44 years ago and never grew apart. Our time stands still, it could be a day or weeks that we don’t see each other but we pick up right where we left off. Through good times and not-so-good times, laughter and tears, you have been there for me with a kind word, genuine advice, a hug or just an ear to be my sounding board. You are not afraid to tell me your honest opinion even if I might not like it! Your sense of humor and quick wit is unsurpassed and your core of right and wrong is unchangeable. You love your friends and family with a passion and will go to great lengths for anyone dear to your heart! I just wanted to say in words what we both know in our hearts-“galentine day” or not-I can’t think of my life without you! I love you then, now and forever, your bestie, Lynne xoxo
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