August 19, 2023 11:45 amNyla is almost a three year old puppers ! We got her just before she turned one . She’s a very high energy girl that has adapted so perfectly into our family with my young kiddos, not gunna lie I worried a bit in the beginning as my daughter had just turned 2 and my son had just Turned 6 ! Nyla is 100% is the biggest and best snuggler/lapdog/meatball I’ve ever met ! Nyla loves going on adventures, car rides , loves baths and water but can’t swim. She sinks so she loves shallow water like the splash pad and kiddie pools . Nyla often gets the zoomies in the back yard , creating any kind of obstacle coarse she can, hilarious to watch but I usually find something to hold on to because she runs at super sonic speed and runs super duper close to me causing me to think I’m going to get taken out . She loves going for walks and puts the breaks on everytime she sees another dog or animal. In other words …. She sucks on a leash but Even though Nyla knows how to be a royal pain in the tush we couldn’t imagine our lives without her and wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s our Meatball !
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