Automatic Dog Petting Machine
February 8, 2019 5:19 am Comments Off on Automatic Dog Petting MachineNew ‘drinkable’ potato chips will keep your phone grease-free [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] ‘Bingo brawl’ erupts near Kingston
New ‘drinkable’ potato chips will keep your phone grease-free [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] ‘Bingo brawl’ erupts near Kingston
Lawyer forces evacuation of courthouse after ‘abundance’ of bed bugs pour from his suit [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY]
‘Ghost’ in student’s apartment turns out to be man in her closet, wearing her clothes [FULL STORY] OPP called
Hawaii lawmaker proposes banning sale of cigarettes to anyone under 100-years-old [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] Putting Glitter on
Mississauga cashier stops robbery by striking suspect with banana [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] German town votes ‘No’ to
Random stranger keeps leaving urine-soaked bags of bologna, bread at woman’s doorstep [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] Woman charged
Millennials in China Are Using Nudes to Secure Loans [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] Pablo’s Escoburgers restaurant draws backlash
A retired couple explains exactly how they used math skills and a lottery loophole to win $26 million in 9
Bricks Made From Human Waste Could Be The Future of The Construction Industry [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] Bloxvox
Chuck Norris is Hosting a Chuck Norris Look-Alike Event in Texas [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] ‘Frozen’ Alligators Ride