Shower Thoughts Jan 7th, 2024: Is James Bond Really A Good Spy?
January 7, 2025 9:24 amOne of my favourite film franchises is the 007 franchise. I love the character of James Bond, from his suave, gentleman spy approach to the game to his seductive skills with the ladies to his amazing gadgets. He’s widely known as one of MI6’s top agents in his own universe. But is he really that good of a spy? Because even the bad guys know of his reputation, so isn’t that a little contradictory – a famous spy? And then of course, it doesn’t help when he is constantly introducing himself to anyone and everyone that he comes across. Now don’t get me wrong, I know the introduction is iconic to the series, and I love every time he delivers it. But shouldn’t he be keeping a bit more of a low profile? After all, the term is SECRET agent.
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Ben Maddigan