Baby Saved Just Before ceiling Collapse
April 1, 2019 5:25 amNicolas Cage files for annulment 4 days after getting married [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] Swedish police officer arrests
Nicolas Cage files for annulment 4 days after getting married [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] Swedish police officer arrests
“The most scientifically accurate representation of T. Rex to date” includes a mullet and a beer gut [CLICK HERE FOR
Drunk driver sprayed Axe in his mouth to mask the smell of alcohol [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] Florida
Brewery and Kodak Team Up to Create Beer That Develops Super 8 Film [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] Man
Detroit man shoots himself in the foot attempting to kill cockroach [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] British Airways flight
BEER-FOR-LENT GUY UPDATE: He’s still going and he’s lost 25 pounds! [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] Someone spiked their
This 19-year-old is paying her way through college by naming over 677,000 Chinese babies [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY]
Mom Helps Daughter Make £120,000 A Year Selling Nudes Online [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] Teen lacrosse player can’t
Woman injects herself with fruit juice, suffers liver, kidney, lung, and heart damage [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY] Youth
Proposed Georgia bill would require men to document every release of sperm to officers [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY]