Florida Woman Tries To Beat DUI Test By Irish Folk Dancing
August 29, 2022 5:17 amMore than 120 stolen forklifts found in California warehouse [STORY] Man sets new world record after paddling 38 miles
More than 120 stolen forklifts found in California warehouse [STORY] Man sets new world record after paddling 38 miles
Dad Blames DUI On 4 Year-Old Son’s Driving [STORY] Man waves down officer just to slap him in the
Man’s New Wife Donates Kidney To His Ex-Wife [STORY] Teen Wakes Up In Handcuffs After Allegedly Breaking Into Milwaukee
Actor Henry Thomas, Elliott in ‘E.T.’, was arrested for DUI after passing out behind the wheel [CLICK HERE FOR FULL
NASA Says the Possibility of Earth Being Hit with a Meteor is Very High [CLICK HERE FOR FULL STORY]