Justin Moore Is A Great Gardener!
September 8, 2021 7:00 pmDuring the pandemic, Justin Moore mentioned he wanted to start a garden.
Apparently it went so well, that Justin had way too many vegetables and he started to give them away.
Tags: garden, Justin Moore, vegetables“It did really well, too good to be honest with you. I’ve been givin’ vegetables away for months now. I was beggin’ people to take ‘em. Honestly, we didn’t have a clue what we were doing because we’d never done it. I did it growing up, I helped my parents and my grandparents and that kind of stuff, but I wasn’t actually having to do it, do it. And we did way too much. It was way too big. I think we did like 40 x 60 or somethin’ and we probably should’ve done like 10 x 20. We had three or four rows of certain things that we needed one of. The only thing that we kinda messed up on, I think we just didn’t get enough water on, was our tomatoes. We kind of flubbed those. But other than that, it did really good.”
Categorised in: Country Music News
This post was written by Cheryl Johnstone