Jelly Roll Is Loving Life Without A Cellphone

March 4, 2025 8:30 am Published by

A couple of months ago Jelly Roll threw his phone off a bridge into the Cumberland River in downtown Nashville.

He hated the anxiety that it gave him, and since he was about to spend a few months back at home, he wanted to be fully untethered.

So how has Jelly been doing since then?

“I got a laptop. I’ve been emailing people like it’s 1998 . . . I’m just waiting on the dial-up modem.”

When asked why he wanted to get rid of the phone in the first place he said,

“The Super Bowl last year. I’m in a suite with Leonardo DiCaprio and Vince Vaughn, and I’m on my phone when somebody scores a touchdown, and everybody else jumps up and starts high-fiving and I remember looking up and being, ‘oh, that’s cool’ . . . and went right back to my phone. I was like, ‘This ain’t healthy.'”

Jelly is now enjoying his home life back on the farm.

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This post was written by Cheryl Johnstone