Onions: Too Sexy For Facebook?
October 7, 2020 9:13 amYes actual onions.
One Canadian farm out of St. Johns found out the hard way, that Facebook’s
algorithms, which have been a bit glitchy as of late, took down their paid ad
for their “walla walla” onions. Why? For “sexual content”.
Wait, what?
Yeah.. a picture of ONIONS was apparently TOO HOT FOR FACEBOOK
and was thusly taken down by the automated censors for being “too racy”.
Doesn’t matter how dry a spell you may or may not being going through.
I for one have never been thirsty enough to look at ONIONS with any degree
of lust, or have been moved to consider crimes of passion, by looking at PRODUCE.
But.. that’s just me.
Facebook on the other hand, has swooped in to save us from those dirty, obscene Onions.
Bravo Facebook.. bravo… (slow golf clap)
Categorised in: Morning Show
This post was written by Matt McNeill