Dog Vs. Windshield Wipers
September 28, 2021 4:48 amThis dog REALLY hates the wipers….
Reminds me of a Dad Joke/Story:
There was once a king who sat on his throne, bored until one day
a messenger returned and shouted “Sire, The Viper is coming!! The Viper is coming!!!”
The king dismissed his jesters and sat up in his chair, interest piqued.
“I see,” he muttered, “Then send out a scouting party, this could be interesting”
The scouting party came back a day later, muddied and exhausted.
“Your Grace,” the head-scout panted, out of breath “It is true, The Viper, he is coming!”
“Very well,” said the king, growing concerned, “Send out a sortie of my 12 finest knights!”
The knights returned an hour later, half their armor missing, carrying one another,
and hobbling through the gates, looking very much a collective mess.
“What happened??” cried the king.
“The Viper is coming.”gasped the lead knight before passing out.
There then came a loud knock from the chamber doors and the king
looked up from the body of his fallen lead-knight. “Enter…” he said, with great
A little old man hobbled in with a bucket and a squeegee.
“And who are you?” asked the king.
“I am ze Viper” said the little old man “I have come to vipe ze vindows in your castle..”
Kind of makes you wonder what would happen if they drove through the car wash…
Categorised in: Morning Show
This post was written by Matt McNeill