Speed Freaks And Fast Talkers..
November 12, 2021 6:35 amIf there is ONE way to get out of a speeding ticket it’s this:
Don’t speed.
Brilliant isn’t it? That’ll be on the finals test of my new remedial driving course
that I’m planning on launching. That and “How do you navigate a 4 way stop?”
A: “It’s in your Driver’s Ed Book. (only $79.99).
In all seriousness though, we’ve been getting some creative calls this week
on how many of us think we have the George Costanza gift of gab when it comes to
weasling out of traffic stops (The sea was angry that day, officer, like an old man trying to send
back soup in a deli…) – and roaring away triumphantly with nary a demerit point on our
spotless licence. But the reality is, when you get pulled over, it’s for a reason.
Listen, learn and be polite to the officer standing in the pouring rain, reminding you that
your car is a 1 ton steel projectile, equally capable of life crushing mayhem as it is a
rocking boom box.
Drive safely my friends!
Categorised in: Morning Show
This post was written by Matt McNeill