Wednesday Puppy Motivation!
November 3, 2021 5:21 amLil’ Brudder: The 2 legged Puppy
Ready to break the internet today?
2 legged puppy gets 3d printed wheels..
Here we go, it’s Wednesday, let’s get over the hump.. the mid-point of the week…
Let’s get past this HUMP DAY! (Hey, let’s call Wednesday Hump-Day!)
Right..but sometimes, you just gotta get motivated.
And there’s nothing like watching someone overcome great odds and hardships
to roll onward to victory…. Or in this case.. watching a puppy born with no front
legs roll onward to victory.
What a story… This cute little puppy was found, abandoned by his mother and
born without front legs. So he was taken in by an animal shelter, and the workers
named him “Tumbles”. Birth-defect aside, Tumbles is in good health.
He could get around by scooting on his stomach across the floor, tail wagging merrily,
but researchers at Ohio University used their 3-D printer and made Tumbles a tiny
As you can see, it’s like a little cart, and Tumbles uses his back legs to walk.
Thousands of adoption
offers are still coming in. **UPDATE: Tumbles has found a home!!
He’s got the heart of a Champeen’.
Reminds me of Lil’ Brudder from the 90’s/2000’s early internet cult-classic
Homestar Runner w/ Strongbad. They predicted this over 10 years ago..
Lil’ Brudder was a drawing of a puppy w/ no front legs, coupled with a
tear-jerkingly optimistic quote: “Don’t cry for me.. I can make it on my own!”
Touche’ Tumbles… Touche’
Categorised in: Morning Show
This post was written by Matt McNeill