If You Want A Husband Here Are 129 Suggestions On How To Get A Man From The 1950’s
November 16, 2018 8:40 amIn 1958 McCall’s magazine printed an article entitled ‘129 ways to get a husband’
The article starts off with suggestions of where to find your prince charming:
“Be friendly with ugly men – handsome is as handsome does”
“associate with more attractive girls; they may have some leftovers !”
“learn to paint. Set up an easel outside engineering school”
“Stand in a corner and cry softly.”
“Buy a convertible. Men like to ride in them.”
“take good care of your health. Men don’t like girls who are ill.”
“Get a sunburn”
“Use the ashtray; don’t crush cigarettes in coffee cups!”
“don’t whine-girls who whine stay on the vine”
“learn to scale and clean fish”
“don’t be a pushover”
“remain innocent but not ignorant”
“learn to play poker”
“stow away on a battle ship!”
“rent a billboard”
“make and sell toupees”
If tinder or Plenty of Fish are not working for you, maybe you just need a little old school advice!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Mike Harford