3 Tips For Surviving Hosting Your First Thanksgiving!
October 11, 2019 9:57 amIf this is your first year hosting thanksgiving for your family I have a few tips for you that might help you survive it.
tip 1
Measure your oven to make sure the roasting pan and turkey will fit.
I had an apartment sized stove and the roasting pan for the turkey I had only fits in the oven if i mangle it a little….. So I used some duct tape to keep the door closed long enough to cook the bird!
tip 2
Buy extra desserts
I picked up a pecan pie a few days before dinner and every time I walked buy it I could hear it calling to me…. eat me , eat me ….and since I have no willpower I dug in and had to make an extra trip to the store to buy a new pie.
tip 3 :
Lastly buy extra wine and budget for emergencies
If all fails and the turkey does not work out make sure you have the number of a pizza place handy and keep the wine flowing until the delivery guy shows up…..
Happy thanksgiving!
Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Mike Harford