Let’s Have A TICK TALK…different Than Tik Tok!!
June 23, 2020 9:18 amI was visiting my parents on the weekend and my mom found a tick, embedded!
(it’s actually kind of funny how she figured it out, it was at the top of her chest, and she thought it was a new mole, until she got in the tub with her Reading Glasses on, looked down and saw the Legs!!)
Anyway to make a long story short, we tried to get it out, only got the body (which we saved in a Ziploc bag to give to Public Health) which means she is going to her Doctor today to get the rest removed and has started a three week round of Anti Biotics!!
Why are they so hard to get out!!!
So here is a reminder TO DO REGULAR TICK CHECKS!! To read about what to do if you have am embedded tick click HERE for a link to Lambton Public Heath!!
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Categorised in: Mornings
This post was written by Sarah Woodley