Tag, You’re It!
September 16, 2021 11:41 amTag, You’re it!
No you’re not…
School bans tag, BECAUSE…..
The War on Schoolyard-Tag.
There is a school district in Washington that has just banned kids from playing
the good old game of tag. Why?
Because, “Students are expected to keep their hands to themselves,” in order to
“ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students.”
Back in the 90’s, I remember when “Red Rover” was banned.
You know, the game in which you held the hands of your friends out in the school yard,
and you called someone over, and their objective was to run at full speed and attempt
to break through your line, and break through your your wrists while they were at it.
For that game, there was a somewhat legitimate concern after a couple of broken arms
and sprained wrists.
Today’s war on tag, targets the trauma of being targeted, or even receiving a heightened
level of notice. What will happen in 15-20 years when the fragile former pupil has their
named called by the boss? Massive heart attacks?
Surely this will solve every underlying social problem, as the kids are shepherded out
of the fresh air and sunshine of the big dangerous world, to take solace and entertain
themselves productively and safely through handheld devices, without the fear of harm
or of becoming the cause of frivolous litigation.
Categorised in: Morning Show, Mornings
This post was written by Matt McNeill