Top New Male Vocalist Winner
December 14, 2019 6:50 amJason’s dad mapped out finger positions for his son to learn to play guitar, then they would practice and play together. By the time Jason was in his teens, he knew he wanted to perform. Before he could legally have a drink, he was part of the house band at Nashville S, a Georgia nightspot.
He moved to Nashville to be close to the Country Music scene and was signed with Warner-Chappell. Despite the signing he was dropped. Then he was signed to another label, and his recording sessions were postponed repeatedly. Jason felt his career had stalled, and he gave himself six months to make his breakthrough, or return home to Georgia.
That break came just five weeks later when Broken Bow records offered a deal, and his first LP was released. Since then he has had twenty one number one hits, and has released nine LPs, and won the “Top New Male Vocalist” in 2006.
Join me next Saturday, December 21 at 9:20, for more with Jason Aldean!
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This post was written by Jeff Norgate