Spinrite Yarn Factory Outlet!
August 13, 2020 10:22 amNot since you were a child have you been this excited to shop online and save! It’s Spinrite Yarn Factory’s massive online Tent Sale. It’s on August 10th to the end of the month, and the list of savings is endless.
First, head online to yarnfactoryoutlet.com, where everything in the virtual tent is buy 3 get one free! That’s right every single item is buy 3 get one free. It’s the perfect time to stock up on all your summer projects and get planning for the fall. Whether that’s crocheting a tablecloth, knitting sweaters, mitts, booties or blankets you’ll save huge.
Look for Bernat Baby sport for $5.00/ball, Bernat Beyond for $8.00, and Super Value Stripes at $9.00, and Bernat Softee Baby Chunky, for $7.00.
Also, save on Paton’s products. Grab Patons Cobbles at $20.00, and Patons Classic Wool Bulky at $20.00.
On top of that, Tent Sale yarns are back! Stock up on Tent Sale Worsted, Tent Sale Soft Worsted.. all at buy 3 get one free!! Plus get great clearance prices on Boyes Aluminum Crochet Hooks.
Get incredible savings online at Spinrite Yarn Factory’s online Tent Sale. August 10th to the end of the month at yarn factory outlet dot com, and on Facebook. Spinrite Yarn Factory… 2-30 Elma Street West, Listowel!
Categorised in: Business of the Month
This post was written by Blackburn Media