Spinrite Yarn Factory!
February 8, 2021 2:48 pmNot since you were a child have you been this excited to shop online and save! Spinrite Yarn Factory has extended their Winter Blowout sale. The list of savings is endless.
When you buy-in-bulk you’ll receive savings of 10% on 5-10 balls, 20% on 11-20, and 30% when you buy more than 20 balls of yarn!
Look for Bernat Baby sport for 5 dollars a ball, Bernat Beyond for 8 dollars and Super Value Stripes at 9 dollars, and Bernat Softee Baby Chunky, for 7 dollars.
Also, save on Paton’s products. Grab Patons Cobbles at 20 dollars, and Paton’s Classic Wool Bulky at 20 dollars.
On top of that, they are also offering specialty yarn sales, with Bernat Alize Blanket-ez at 9$ per bag, Bernat Velvet at 6$ a ball and Bernat/Sugar’n Cream cotton at 1$ a ball!
Get incredible savings online at Spinrite Yarn Factory’s Winter Blowout sale. Online at yarnfactoryoutlet.com, and on Facebook. Spinrite Yarn Factory… 2-30 Elma Street West, Listowel!
Tags: Factory, Sale, Spinrite Yarn Factory, Yarn
Categorised in: Business of the Month
This post was written by Blackburn Media