Brett Young Struggling To Pick Baby Name
July 29, 2019 10:37 amBrett Young and his wife, Taylor, are in the process of trying to decide on a name for their baby girl, who is due this fall.
They have been keeping track of names they like, but Brett said whittling it down and agreeing on several, much less one, is no easy task.
“Both me and my wife had like running lists but neither of us had the name. You know, it was just whenever we would think of or see something we liked, it’d go into the boy column or the girl column. And so what was interesting is when we found out it was a girl we went and A/B’ed our girl column and a lot of them were the same. And so that’s a good thing, but also the problem with that is that now you have a ton that you have to whittle down. The good news is, is we’re whittling down from names we both had in lists. But we’re still narrowing. We’re not quite there yet. I think the fun thing about naming a child is, I’m not one of those people that thinks you have to see the baby’s face before you know what their name is. I think they become their name. So it’s gonna be fun watching her grow into whatever her name ends up being.”
In the meantime, Brett continues touring the country. His latest single, “Catch,” is making its climb up the country charts.
Tags: baby, Brett Young, namesCategorised in: Country Music News
This post was written by Cheryl Johnstone