Eric Church To Release Three Albums In April
January 22, 2021 8:45 amEric Church will release not one but three albums in April.
He shared the news via a video message on Thursday, January 21st.
The collection will be called Heart – & – Soul, and Eric said they are the result of the 28 days he spent in the mountains of North Carolina where all the songs were written and recorded.
He created the middle album, called &, specifically for the Church Choir and will make it available exclusively to those fans and only as a vinyl record on Tuesday, April 20th.
The other two albums, Heart and Soul, will be available everywhere on Friday, April 16 and Friday, April 23, respectively. P
re-orders for all three albums begin next Friday, January 29th.
“I’ve always been intrigued when a song is born in a writer room – there is a magic that happens there. I wanted to put that in the studio form. So, every day, we would write a song in the morning and we would record the song that night. Doing it that way allowed for the songwriters to get involved in the studio process and the musicians to be involved in the creative process. You felt a little bit like you were secretly doing something that was special, and you knew it… You started going, ‘hmm, wait ’til the world finds out about this.’”
The three-album project includes a total of 24 songs.
Here are the track listings for the three albums:
1. Heart On Fire (Eric Church)
2. Heart Of The Night (Eric Church, Jeremy Spillman, Jeff Hyde, Ryan Tyndell, Travis Hill)
3. Russian Roulette (Eric Church, Casey Beathard, Monty Criswell)
4. People Break (Eric Church, Luke Laird)
5. Stick That In Your Country Song (Davis Naish, Jeffrey Steele)
6. Never Break Heart (Eric Church, Luke Dick)
7. Crazyland (Eric Church, Luke Laird, Michael Heeney)
8. Bunch Of Nothing (Eric Church, Jeff Hyde)
9. Love Shine Down (Eric Church, Casey Beathard, Jeffrey Steele)
1. Through My Ray-Bans (Eric Church, Luke Laird, Barry Dean)
2. Doing Life With Me (Eric Church, Casey Beathard, Jeffrey Steele)
3. Do Side (Eric Church, Casey Beathard)
4. Kiss Her Goodbye (Eric Church, Casey Beathard)
5. Mad Man (Eric Church, Casey Beathard)
6. Lone Wolf (Eric Church, Jeff Hyde, Ryan Tyndell)
1. Rock & Roll Found Me (Eric Church, Casey Beathard, Driver Williams)
2. Look Good And You Know It (Eric Church, Jonathan Singleton, Travis Meadows)
3. Bright Side Girl (Eric Church, Jeff Hyde, Scotty Emerick, Clint Daniels)
4. Break It Kind Of Guy (Eric Church, Casey Beathard, Luke Dick)
5. Hell Of A View (Eric Church, Casey Beathard, Monty Criswell)
6. Where I Wanna Be (Eric Church, Casey Beathard, Jeremy Spillman, Ryan Tyndell)
7. Jenny (Eric Church)
8. Bad Mother Trucker (Eric Church, Casey Beathard, Luke Dick, Jeremy Spillman)
9. Lynyrd Skynyrd Jones (Casey Beathard)
Categorised in: Country Music News
This post was written by Cheryl Johnstone