Dan + Shay Celebrate 10 Years As A Duo
January 24, 2023 11:00 amDan + Shay recently celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the night they met.
It was at Dan Smyers’ house in Nashville, he was having a party, and Shay Mooney showed up.
They ended up performing together that night, and Dan said it clicked.
“My first impression was dead-on. I recorded a voice memo and put it in my phone as ‘Best Singer of All Time’ . . . and I still think that.”
Being in a band or a duo is a grind. Shay said you’re constantly together rehearsing, writing music, touring, and promoting yourselves all over the world.
“Being in a duo is very much like a marriage. As we both are married now, we kind of know that’s what it is. It’s a relationship and it takes time, and it takes commitment, being able to compromise, and all of these things. [Luckily,] it was never hard with Dan and I.”
In other Dan + Shay news, Shay’s wife Hannah gave birth to their third son last week.
Shay shared a clip of himself holding baby Abram and singing “When I Pray for You”.
Tags: Dan + Shay, Dan Smyers, Shay MooneyCategorised in: Country Music News
This post was written by Cheryl Johnstone