October 2, 2018
October 2, 2018 5:55 am
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.
If you are between the ages of 50-74 you are eligible for the Ontario Breast Screening Program. No doctor referral is needed – call and book your appointment today.
Anyone that books a mammogram in the month will have a chance to win some prizes.
Book your appointment now with the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, 519-437-6089!
Just Book It!
The Chatham-Kent Police, EMS and Fire are teaming up for a Thanksgiving Food Drive this weekend.
Stop by Sobey’s in Chatham and make a donation to the local food banks.
At Chatham-Kent Council last night it was announced that the Fifth Street Bridge would be completed and barriers removed before winter.
And the Third Street bridge will be completed within a month, weather permitting.
Trix just announced they’re bringing back fruit-shapes cereal pieces, like they had in the ’90s.
In 2006, they switched to just little balls but they say they’ve had more than 20,000 requests to bring back the fruit shapes.
They’ll be part of a line called “Classic Trix Fruity Shapes,” which should be in stores soon.
Classic Trix Fruity Shapes are back! #TrixShapesAreBack https://t.co/dGr52qCLjA pic.twitter.com/VXXuUfF5nj
— General Mills (@GeneralMills) October 1, 2018
The Belize Tourism Board just announced that they’re going to be hosting the world’s biggest game of hide-and-seek.
Four people will hide around Belize, and one person will be the “seeker” who will have one week to find them using clues.
If you’re interested, you can apply to be a hider or seeker by next Monday, and the game is the week of November 12th. If you’re one of the five people they pick, they’ll fly you to Belize to participate for free.
You can apply by emailing HideAndSeekBelize@gmail.com.
Tags: 5ThingsYouNeedtoKnow, Belize Tourism Board, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, bridges, Chatham-Kent Council, Chatham-Kent Fire and Emergency Services, Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, Chatham-Kent Police Services, CKMornings, Food Drive, October, Ontario Breast Screening Program, Sobey's, TrixCategorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod