October 30, 2018
October 30, 2018 5:55 am The Tuesday Movie @ Your Library is Hereditary and you can see it today at 2.
Stop by the Chatham Branch of the Chatham-Kent Public Library every week for the Tuesday Movie @ Your Library.
Everyone is welcome for a suggested donation of $2 at the door.
The Canadian Cancer Society’s 9th Annual Flavours & Favours has been cancelled.
You still have the opportunity to bid on some great experiences that make awesome Christmas gifts through the online auction.
Check out the Facebook page for more info.
Selena Gomez lost her title of the Most Followed Person on Instagram yesterday. The new leader is, or at least was, soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo.
The thing is, the numbers are so close, they could end up trading the lead back and forth.
But as of last night, Ronaldo had 144,414,606, while Selena had 144,349,096, which is a difference of only 65,510.
Twitter is eliminating the “like” button.
CEO Jack Dorsey says he thinks that getting rid of the “like” option will, “improve the quality of debate.”
In other words, if you want to support something someone writes, you can’t just click “like” you’ll have to either retweet it or, preferably, respond with a tweet.
There’s no word on when they plan on eliminating the button, they just say it’s in the, “early stages.”
A survey says that 90% of people wish they could trade unwanted candy on Halloween. 80% of people would trade unwanted candy for a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.
So, Reese’s is setting up a vending machine in New York City tomorrow, where kids can trade the bad candy they get for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
Categorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod