October 5, 2018
October 5, 2018 5:55 amMonday is Thanksgiving Day in Canada.
Always on the second Monday in October, celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year.
But why is the Canadian Thanksgiving in October, and not in November like the U.S.?
Canadians had many different Thanksgiving celebrations before the official date was chosen by Parliament in 1957. Before any newcomers came to the land, the First Nations celebrated their crops.
The Canadian history of Thanksgiving has nothing to do with pilgrims and the Mayflower as does American Thanksgiving. Both holidays, however, are generally seen as an opportunity to give thanks for what’s good in our lives, celebrate nature’s bounty, and enjoy a big meal with family and friends.
Chatham-Kent EMS, Police and Fire are teaming up to stuff a bus tomorrow at Sobey’s.
Stop by and make a donation, everything will go directly to the local food banks.
Thanksgiving Food Drive – Help us stuff a bus at @sobeys on Park Avenue in Chatham this Saturday. This #Thanksgiving give thanks, give back. @ckfiredept @CK_EMS pic.twitter.com/K3URd5PEJ7
— Chatham-Kent Police (@CKPSMedia) October 1, 2018
The 168th Brigden Fair opens today and runs until Monday with a midway, entertainment, livestock shows, home craft competitions, exhibits, food and more.
50,000 people are expected through the gates over the four days.
Admission is $10 for adults and free for children in elementary school. Parking is free on the fairgrounds.
The complete fair program can be found online at BrigdenFair.ca.
Ireland got their first Krispy Kreme featuring a drive thru open 24 hours. Well it was a 24 hour drive thru.
Dubliners caused so much noise pollution and traffic jams that Krispy Kreme had to stop the 24 hour service after just one week.
The drive though will now close at 11:30 pm
There’s a flaming hole in the ground in a town in Arkansas, and no one knows the cause.
The hole opened up in mid September on private property, with flames flaring up to 12 feet.
Geologists scoped the hole with a camera and determined it was likely created by an animal. No utility or fuel lines in the area were determined to be leaking, and no natural gas was detected.
Officials say they have ruled out a meteorite and Satan so far.
Tags: 5ThingsYouNeedtoKnow, Arkansas, Brigden Fair, Chatham-Kent Fire and Emergency Services, Chatham-Kent Police, CKMornings, flaming hole, Food Drive, Krispy Kreme, Sobey's, ThanksgivingMysterious hole shooting out flames in Arkansas stumps officials: We’ve ‘ruled out’ Satan https://t.co/NUMXlqMGC4
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 5, 2018
Categorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod