January 13, 2020
January 13, 2020 5:55 amJanuary 13th is the 13th day of the year. There are 353 days remaining until the end of the year.
Emergency Alerts woke up a lot of us in Ontario yesterday that warned of an incident at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.
The warning stated that “there has been NO abnormal release of radioactivity from the station and emergency staff are responding to the situation.” It added the people near the plant “DO NOT need to take any protective actions at this time.
About an hour later an alert went out explaining that the notice was sent in error.
Important update: the alert regarding #Pickering Nuclear was sent in error. There is no danger to the public or environment.
— Ontario Power Gen (@opg) January 12, 2020
There’s a Blood Donor Clinic tomorrow at the St. Clair College Healthplex from 1-7.
Book your appointment now at Blood.ca, use the apps, call 1-888-2-DONATE or just walk in!
First time donors are welcome! Stop by and give the gift of life!
Neil Peart, drummer and lyricist of Rush, died last Tuesday, but we only found out on Friday.
He was 67 and had battled brain cancer for more than three years. He was one of the best rock drummers ever.
Peart never made his illness public, Rush had been inactive since their tour in 2015. Rush was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012.
Neil Peart September 12, 1952 – January 7, 2020 pic.twitter.com/NivX2RhiB8
— Rush (@rushtheband) January 10, 2020
Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa is giving away $1 million yen to 1,000 people to see if money buys happiness. That’s $1 billion yen total.
Followers had the chance to win by retweeting his tweet, all in Japanese, by January 7th. So we all missed out. The tweet was retweeted 4.5 million times.
A lottery will determine who gets the cash. People can use the money for anything they would like. Scientists will then analyze people’s happiness after they spend their allotment.
【総額10億円】#前澤お年玉 100万円を1000人にプレゼントします!
企画趣旨や当選条件などはYouTubeで説明してます。 https://t.co/kBgwwmJoaP pic.twitter.com/1Fr0Vq4i6Z
— Yusaku Maezawa (MZ) 前澤友作 (@yousuck2020) December 31, 2019
Yusaku is single, and he’s looking for a girlfriend. And if it winds up being you, your official first date with him will be a trip to the moon. Seriously. He was the first person to buy a private trip to the Moon from SpaceX. And he wants a new girlfriend to go up there with him.
If you’re interested, he’s looking for single women over 20. Applications are due by Friday and, naturally, all of this will be covered by a reality show.
A woman on Family Feud Canada had an embarrassing answer on Thursday that’s gone viral.
It was a tie-breaker round at the end of the show, and they had to name “Popeye’s favorite food.” The correct answer was spinach. But her answer was “chicken” as in Popeyes Chicken.
It all worked out though, because Popeyes Chicken is now giving her family $10,000 worth of free food to make up for the $10,000 they didn’t win.
Tags: 5ThingsYouNeedtoKnow, billionaire, Blood Donor Clinic, CKMornings, Emergency Alert, Family Feud Canada, Gerry Dee, Neil Peart, Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, Rush, St. Clair College HealthplexPopeye’s favourite food is… chicken? #familyfeudcanada #surveysays #goodanswer #chicken
Watch Family Feud Canada Monday to Thursday on @CBC and #CBCGem! pic.twitter.com/HmI0zQLYFD
— Family Feud Canada (@FamilyFeudCa) January 10, 2020
Categorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod