June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020 5:55 amJune 10th is the 162nd day of the year. There are 204 days remaining until the end of the year.
Starting on Friday, all childcare centres in Ontario will be allowed to reopen with strict health and safety requirements.
Premier Doug Ford made the announcement yesterday, saying there will be several limitations and procedures in place when childcare centres reopen.
Childcare operators will be required to put children and staff in groups of 10 or less. All child care settings will be required to have a plan in place if a child, parent, or staff member is exposed to COVID-19. All staff members and children must be screened before entering any facility and child care settings must keep daily records of all attendees in order to support contact tracing. Facilities are also required to be thoroughly cleaned before opening and frequently cleaned throughout the day, including the removal of any toys that could easily spread germs.
In addition, only essential visitors will be permitted into any child care settings.
Mobile drive-thru COVID-19 testing will take place at the Wallaceburg Chatham-Kent Health Alliance site this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The CKHA has partnered with Chatham-Kent EMS and CK Public Health for the residents of Wallaceburg and area to receive a COVID-19 test.
This testing initiative will also be available to residents who do not arrive in a vehicle.
News Release – Mobile Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing to Take Place in Wallaceburg June 11, 12 & 13 – https://t.co/nF6VErEGgg#ckont #ckha #COVID #wallaceburg #chathamkent pic.twitter.com/D4uQKCWukY
— Chatham-Kent Health Alliance (@ckhamedia) June 9, 2020
Blood donor clinics are returning to Chatham-Kent this week after several were cancelled in the wake of the pandemic.
There will be a clinic tomorrow at the YMCA, but all appointments have been booked. There will be 3 locally the week of July 20th.
Book your appointment now at Blood.ca, use the apps or call 1-888-2-DONATE. The last local clinic was held in April.
This is National Blood Donor week across Canada.
Scientists may have found a “mirror image” of the Sun and Earth about 3,000 light years away.
A massive exoplanet that orbits a star located some 3,000 light years away from our world was discovered by scientists who suggest that it may be potentially habitable.
The scientists warned that they still require more data to confirm that their discovery is indeed a planet and not some “statistical fluke or a systematic measurement error”.
The world’s tallest living dog just set another record; he’s now also the world’s oldest Great Dane.
He’s more than seven feet tall when he stands on his back legs, he weighs more than 200 pounds, and he just turned 8 years old.
His name is Enormous Freddy.
Freddy’s monthly food costs over $630 a month — consisting of kibble, minced beef, roast chicken and lots of treats.
Tags: 5ThingsYouNeedtoKnow, Blood Donor Clinic, Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, Child Care Centres, CKMornings, Coronavirus, COVID-19, drive thru, Great Dane, Premier Doug Ford, Province of Ontario, Wallaceburg, YMCAWorld’s tallest dog breaks second record, now oldest living Great Dane https://t.co/00zOsNUfcf pic.twitter.com/mMtcGPY6Sb
— New York Post (@nypost) June 8, 2020
Categorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod