October 8, 2020
October 8, 2020 5:55 amOctober 8th is the 282nd day of the year. There are 84 days remaining until the end of the year.
The slot machines at Cascades Casino will reopen to invited guests only today as part of the province’s Stage 3 guidelines.
Cascades is open to invited My Club Rewards members only and invited members will be notified by email with details on how to make reservations. Table games will not be operational and non-gaming amenities will be very limited.
A new reservation and virtual queue system is also being used to allow guests to book their play time online, check-in upon arrival, and safely wait in their vehicles until the casino is ready for their entry.
There won’t be a Santa Claus parade in Chatham this year.
The Historic Downtown Chatham BIA has cancelled the 2020 Santa Claus parade because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but Santa will still make some visits to the downtown.
The BIA wants you check out their Facebook page in November to find the Man in Red and win some prizes.
The federal government announced Wednesday what single-use plastics will be covered by a national ban coming into effect next year.
Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson unveiled the list of soon-to-be-banned items.
The single-use plastics that will be banned include:
- Grocery checkout bags,
- Straws
- Stir sticks
- Six-pack rings
- Plastic cutlery
- Food takeout containers made from hard-to-recycle plastics (like the black plastic packaging)
When compiling its list, the government said it considered plastics that are harmful to the environment, hard to recyclable and whether there were readily available alternatives.
In the U.S. Kraft just launched a new Twitter contest called “Send Noods.”
That’s spelled N-O-O-D-S, like noodles.
If you tweet the #SendNoods hashtag at Kraft, you can win the chance to send a free box of mac and cheese to a friend or family member. But do it fast, because they’re only giving away 7,000 boxes.
Businessman Mal Coven, best known as the founder of BiWay — a 90s-era bargain chain — has passed away at the age of 91.
Coven died on Tuesday.
BiWay closed the last of its 250 locations in 2001, but they were preparing to launch a Biway $10 Store this Fall. An official opening date for the store has yet to be announced, but the company has indicated that it will happen sometime in November.
Tags: 5ThingsYouNeedtoKnow, Biway, Cascades Casino, CKMornings, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Historic Downtown Chatham BIA, Kraft, reopen, Santa Claus Parade, Send Noods, single-useCategorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod