November 20, 2020
November 20, 2020 5:55 amNovember 20th is the 325th day of the year. There are 41 days remaining until the end of the year.
Four new COVID19 cases Thursday according to the C-K Public Health Unit.
There are now 33 active cases. Walpole Island also reported one Thursday. Two people are hospitalized.
Ontario is reporting 1,210 new coronavirus cases on Thursday.The hot spots continue to be Toronto, Peel and York.
The Gift is tomorrow.
At noon, volunteers will fan out across Chatham-Kent to collect toys, food and cash donations.
The goal is to help families in need this holiday season. For more information or to volunteer go to TheGiftCK.com.
Shrewsbury will be hosting a Gift Eve event tonight and everyone in CK is invited to drive around and enjoy it.
At 7pm everyone will participate in a town wide Christmas Carol played by 94.3 CKSY. Get out on your porch and sing along, we will be playing Jingle Bell Rock at exactly 7:00!
Shrewsbury is also kicking off it’s Light Up The Dream contest, so there should be plenty of decorated houses to see.
The Ontario 511 app is now available to all drivers.
The app allows drivers to keep track of snowplowing and road conditions within the province. The app provides images from more than 600 cameras while providing up-to-date highway information on construction, collisions and road closures. It was released to the trucking industry earlier this year.
It was recently expanded to include new features such as the ability to track snowplows on provincial roads and highways and the ability to see whether those roads are snow-covered or bare, as well as weather warnings from Environment Canada about potentially nasty conditions. It also provides up-to-date information about rest stops across the province.
Download the app from the Google Play here or from the Apple App Store here.
A wealthy Chinese pigeon racing fan paid a record price of $1.9 million for a Belgian-bred bird.
During a frantic last half hour Sunday at the end of a two-week auction, two Chinese bidders — operating under the pseudonyms Super Duper and Hitman — drove up the price.
A successful Belgian breeder (Gaston Van de Wouwer) retired at 76 and his son had too busy a professional life to continue in the pigeon business so all 445 birds were put on auction.
Tags: 5ThingsYouNeedtoKnow, app, Chatham-Kent Public Health, CKMornings, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Ontario 511, Ontario Health, pigeon, Shrewsbury, The Gift, The Gift CKBelgian racing pigeon sets fanciers’ hearts aflutter in €1.6m sale https://t.co/aI60W6aVgN
— The Guardian (@guardian) November 15, 2020
Categorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod