December 11, 2020
December 11, 2020 5:55 amDecember 11th is the 346th day of the year. There are 20 days remaining until the end of the year.
Thanks to the pandemic, there will be no Holiday Train rolling through C-K this year.
But you will be able to watch the live Holiday Train at Home concert on CP’s Facebook page on tomorrow at 8pm, and if you’re able give a little bit to support those in need!
Celebrate the holidays by listening to great music and donating to help food banks in Canada. Visit cpr.ca/holidaytrain for more details.
Musical guests include: Serena Ryder, The Trews, JoJo Mason, Logan Staats and Kelly Prescott.
CP will donate $1.24 million this year to 201 food banks in communities that ordinarily host CP Holiday Train events.
The Tilbury Santa Claus Drive by Parade has been rescheduled.
It was supposed to be tomorrow (December 12) but has been postponed because of rain.
The Tilbury Auto Mall is hosting the Drive By Parade and will move it to next Saturday, December 19. Besides the date change, everything will stay the same.
Just one new COVID19 case in C-K Thursday according to the C-K Public Health Unit.
There were 6 resolved cases and 34 active.
Ontario is reporting 1,983 new cases new cases Thursday. The hotspots continue to be Toronto, Peel and York. There were record highs across the province for both daily cases and completed tests.
Ontario’s seven-day average for number of cases reported now sits at 1,862.
Thanks to a COVID-19 outbreak in Ann Arbor, Michigan and Ohio State won’t play each other tomorrow for the first time in over a hundred years.
The last time The Game was cancelled by global catastrophe was in 1917, the year the United States entered World War I.
The players and the fans won’t be the biggest losers from the cancellation of the football game; Fox is losing $18.5 million because of it. Last year’s broadcast generated $18.5 million in advertising revenue, making it Fox’s second-most lucrative college football production behind only the Big Ten Championship Game.
This Christmas, instead of watching the TV channel that shows the Yule log in a fireplace, you can now watch a more appropriate scene for 2020: a holiday dumpster fire.
An ad agency in Edmonton recorded an hour-long video of people throwing 2020-related items into a flaming dumpster, and you can watch it on YouTube.
Categorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod