January 5, 2021
January 5, 2021 6:05 amJanuary 5th is the 5th day of the year.
Chatham-Kent Public Health reported Monday 125 active cases of covid-19 that is up from yesterdays numbers.
On Monday, provincial health officials logged 3,270 new infections of the novel coronavirus, marking the third time Ontario’s daily case count has climbed above the 3,000 mark. The highest number of cases reported in a single day in Ontario was seen on Saturday when 3,363 infections were recorded. Before that, the previous record was set on Thursday when 3,328 cases were logged.
Ontario confirms new case of super-contagious COVID-19 variant in three regions Ontario has identified three new cases of the COVID-19 variant first discovered in the U.K. that is notorious for being more contagious.
The first was found in a resident of York Region, who recently travelled to the U.K.. The second case is in a resident of Peel Region with no personal travel history but has a close contact who recently travelled to Dubai. Health officials are now testing the person who travelled to Dubai to confirm if that resident also has the COVID-19 variant. The third case is a resident of Toronto, who also recently travelled to the U.K.
There are now six cases of the variant in Ontario.
Chatham-Kent Public Library is hosting a virtual Coding Workshop for homeschooling families on Monday, January 11 at 10:30 am.
Participants will learn coding basics and apply this knowledge with print and online activities. Best suited to children 6 to 12 years.
Tanya Roberts, well known Bond Girl and Charlie’s Angel is actually still alive. Her longtime boyfriend got a call from doctors letting him know. The call actually came while he was doing an interview about Tanya’s death.
Lance told them that he went to the hospital Sunday after doctors called and told him Tanya was fading fast, and wasn’t going to make it.
When he got there she opened her eyes and tried to grab him, then closed them again. He apparently ASSUMED she was dead, and left the hospital without speaking to medical staff.
Mike Pingel (Tanya’s publicist) says he picked Lance up at the hospital, and Lance told him, quote, “She died in my arms.”
Tanya collapsed on Christmas Eve after walking her dogs.
It’s National Bird Day! How to celebrate?
Read an Audubon book
The Birds of America, created by John James Audubon, is just as much a work of art as it is a seminal work of scientific mastery.
Build a birdhouse
Birds need housing, just like every other animal. As we continue to deforest large swaths of the planet for development, it’s imperative for us to create birdhouses to make up for – even just a fraction – the loss of habitat they face everyday.
Feed some birds
Halved grapes, nuts, and seeds. If you’ve got some trail mix you don’t want anymore, birds would love you. In fact, if you have chickens you can actually feed them most food and table scraps and they’ll gobble it (had to!) right up.
Categorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Jen Marsh