August 27, 2021
August 27, 2021 5:55 amAugust 26th is the 238th day of 2021. There are 127 days remaining until the end of the year.
There was an explosion in downtown Wheatley last night about 6pm.
A recent toxic gas leak is to blame. At least three people have been hospitalized.
At least two buildings were destroyed and it was flying debris that caused the injuries.
There were detectors located in the buildings in downtown Wheatley that first went off at about 4:30pm, that gave municipal staff and emergency crews time to evacuate buildings before the blast occurred just 90 minutes later.
Follow BlackburnNewsCK for the latest information.
Five new positive COVID-19 cases reported Thursday by Chatham-Kent Public Health.
There were five recoveries, the total active case count locally stays at 42.
There are 678 new cases of COVID-19 across the province. 537 (79%) cases are in unvaccinated individuals.
There are two mobile vaccination clinics in Chatham Kent Saturday.
At the Ridgetown Farmer’s Market 8-noon and then Rondeau Provincial Park 1-3.
Anyone 12 and older is welcome at the clinic.
Walk-ins are welcome at all clinics, but if you’re looking to schedule an appointment for a confirmed time book online at GetYourShotCK.ca or by calling 519-351-1010.
The Wallaceburg Farmers Market is open this weekend.
Stop by 603 James St. Saturday from 8-noon. The bi-weekly outdoor market will feature 18 vendors.
The outdoor market will run rain or shine. Social distancing and COVID protocols are in place. Dogs are welcome.
Follow the Facebook page for more info.
Expect a jump at the pumps today.
Gas prices are expected to jump 5 cents across the province today to an average of 140.9
The average cost across Canada is $1.40 per litre.
Tags: 5ThingsYouNeedtoKnow, CKMornings, Coronavirus, COVID-19, explosion, gas prices, GetYourShotCK, mobile vaccination clinic, Vaccination Clinic, Wallaceburg Farmers Market, WheatleyCategorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod