November 29, 2021
November 29, 2021 5:55 amNovember 29th is the 333rd day of 2021. There are 32 days remaining until the end of the year.
On Sunday Ontario reported 964 new COVID cases. That’s the highest daily total since late May.
Chatham-Kent Public Health doesn’t update on the weekends or holidays. On Friday, there were 7 new cases and eight recoveries. The active case count locally is at 57. A weekend update will come between 10-11 this morning.
The Bradley Centre Vaccination Clinic will be open all week for Pfizer vaccination appointments for 5 to 11 year olds.
Vaccinations are by appointment only, go to GetYourShotCK.ca or by call 519-351-1010.
Wanting to get your Super Kid their COVID-19 vaccine but this weekend doesn’t work? Have no fear! Appointments still available for Monday’s clinic! https://t.co/NdAvwVwClv #SuperKidsVaccine #ckont pic.twitter.com/uHhcmTEOqk
— CK Public Health (@CKPublicHealth) November 26, 2021
The annual Chatham Goodfellows Porch Light is tonight.
Just leave your porchlight on and donate! Chatham Goodfellows volunteers will be travelling through the community to accept cash, toys and food donations from people who leave their porchlight on.
The fundraiser didn’t happen last year because of the pandemic, but it is back tonight.
The Street Sales are next Friday, December 10th & Saturday, December 11th.
For more information, or to volunteer, go to ChathamGoodfellows.ca
The Tim Hortons/Justin Bieber collaboration Timbiebs are available today.
The limited-edition Timbiebs Timbits come in three flavours: chocolate white fudge, sour cream chocolate chip, and birthday cake waffle, all three are exclusively available in Canada and the United States.
Timbiebs merchandise will also be for sale beginning today. Fans can grab a Timbiebs fanny pack, toque, or canvas bag at restaurants.
#Timbiebs Merch 11.29 pic.twitter.com/AWHgAsI2Ok
— Tim Hortons (@TimHortons) November 17, 2021
Today is Cyber Monday. The biggest online shopping day of the year.
Its creation was no accident. According to research and analysis, there were noticeable increases in online spending on the Monday after the U.S. Thanksgiving, on November 28, 2005, a press release said: “Cyber Monday Quickly Becoming One of the Biggest Online Shopping Days of the Year.”
Online sales have gone up every year since.
Tags: 5ThingsYouNeedtoKnow, Chatham Goodfellows, Chatham-Kent Public Health, CKMornings, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Cyber Monday, Justin Bieber, Porch Light, Tim Horton's, Timbiebs, Timbits, Vaccination ClinicCategorised in: 5 Things You Need To Know
This post was written by Chris McLeod